Hydrolina - Organic water, Hydrosol and Hydrolate

Hydrolina - Organic water, Hydrosol and Hydrolate

What is the journey of HYDROLINА?


HYDROLINA's path is filled with a huge amount of effort and desire to give the best to you - our customers. We went through a preparation process that lasted more than half a year. Let us tell you more about this exciting journey.

Yes, there is inflation, but our family managed to "make a lemonade out of lemons"! :)  We decided it is time for a change and a look into the future. This is how HYDROLINA was born.

In the beginning, we prepared a surprise gift for you! But first, you should walk the path with us and continue reading down. :)
Hint: Search even in the most hidden places!

What are the benefits?


Hydrolate, not just water

Since we started our family business we produce and offer hydrolates. What is hydrolate? The answer is quite simple - hydrolates are produced in the final distillation process where the water is highly saturated with essential oils. This is how we differentiate ourselves from everyone else. What makes us truly unique is our effective products.


What our hydrolates are NOT:

  • Aroma waters - their production does not even involve distillation.
  • Floral waters - their production involves distillation, but most floral waters on the market contain minimal amounts of essential oils, chemicals, preservatives, and alcohol. This eliminates the small circle of healing properties that are left. It is more of a commercial term.
  • Hydrosols - the question is debatable, but this is a very general concept that is used not only for distillates but also for solutions of any origin.
That's exactly why all INA waters become: HYDROLINA. That's right, our favorite rose water, lavender water and all the others are now HYDROLINA!

Wide application field

The hydrolates we produce are a faithful ally in skin care for the face, hair, and body! They help against:

  • Oily skin, acne, blackheads, scars, and pigmentation
  • Dry skin, irritations, psoriasis, eczema, and other skin irritations
  • Problematic scalp and hair, including dandruff, seborrhea, hair loss
  • Gum and oral problems including canker sores, herpes, and periodontitis
  • Fungus on feet and nails
  • Nervous tension
In addition, they are:
  • Completely natural, grown in organic fields and gardens
  • Processed in a certified, modern distillery for organic production
  • Foundation in the morning and evening routine, preparing the skin for subsequent care
  • Used in UV protection
  • In 100% recyclable bottles
  • Refillable in the near future
  • Created by helping minority families in our hometown; handpicked by dedicated, caring workers
  • Suitable for daily use


We're glad you made it this far! That’s the spirit! We promise you won't regret it.

New design, eco-friendly bottles, compactness

Driven by our dream to grow on a worldwide level, as well as being in harmony with nature, we decided to use 150 ml bottles instead of 200 ml.

To compliment our customers, we offer:


Brand new design that will make you fall in love. We have managed to create magic in a bottle that tells the story of our Ina family. We successfully combined the modern, bold and unpredictable with the organic, natural and warm.


More environmentally friendly bottles. We asked ourselves: “Are biodegradable, plastic, or glass bottles the safest for the environment?” We have done a number of studies and consultations with specialists on the subject. What became clear? Most of the biodegradable materials are indeed better, but the rest are downright dangerous. So we've found that when it comes to bottles, recyclables are a much more sustainable option than biodegradable ones. So what do we have now? A recycling option that is truly eco-friendly!

Compactness. We've received dozens of messages from users wishing our bottles to be more compact! The reason?: Easy traveling and less space taken. Said and done!


The rebranding process is still in progress so we cannot limit ourselves to a deadline. We are currently selling out of all previous bottle designs. When they sell out, HYDROLINA will flood the world with its magic. We truly appreciate your understanding and we are more than happy to go through this process together!

More about the production of HYDROLINA

How are all the plants that make HYDROLINA magical grown and produced?
  • We are proud to be able to invest in a new, modern distillery, unique in its scale in the area.
  • We also maintain a consulting center in the immediate vicinity of the production. The magic will be real as the whole place is surrounded by our rose, lavender, and chamomile fields. We can not wait to gather together surrounded by the magical aroma of our herbs.
This means that from next year we will be able to welcome our customers from all over the world. Moreover, we will have the opportunity to show you first-hand how we produce HYDROLINA. Where? In our new modern and high-tech distillery.
The long-awaited gift! Get your HYDROLINA now with a special discount -15%. Just use this code at checkout: FUTURE15

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We have developed and trademarked the RoutINA™ formula. Clinically tested in a third-party study in I.E.C France. In each RoutINA™ product page you could see the clinical results.

Our Acne RoutINA™ demonstrated the following results in 90 days:

90% Cleans the pores deeply

85% Removes excess sebum without drying the face

95% Suitable for all skin types

"A Purpose Beyond Profit: How Our Brand is Making an Impact"

At InaEssentials, we believe in giving back to the communities that have supported us. That's why we are proud to offer employment opportunities to members of minority groups, helping to support their livelihoods and provide them with a brighter future. By choosing our organic products, you are not only improving your own health and beauty, but you are also making a positive impact on the lives of others. Join us in making a difference today.